We need your voice! Our vision is to create a legal industry that is committed to a just, livable future. We rely on the power of law students to share our message with their peers, universities, and the legal industry more broadly. We invite you to connect and collaborate with us. The climate crisis is not the result of any one person's actions, and it can't be solved unless we work together to build new, sustainable systems.
EXCITED? Here's how you can join the movement!
ORGANIZE an event at your school or write an op-ed about the Law Firm Climate Change Scorecard
GET INVOLVED in LSCA research projects to investigate the links between legal services and climate change
VOLUNTEER as a campus representative, or by joining (or starting!) a chapter
GROW the list of law firms who have pledged to phase out fossil fuel work by reaching out to local firms, or advocating within your own
DONATE here to support LSCA organizers as we expand our movement
Recognizing the unprecedented immensity of the climate catastrophe, I, an undersigned law student, pledge to do all that I can to stigmatize and ultimately eliminate the legal industry’s complicity in perpetuating climate change.
If my financial and other personal circumstances permit, I pledge to refuse to work for a law firm that represents fossil fuel industry clients.
If my financial and other personal circumstances do not yet permit me to make such a refusal, I pledge to do all that I can to hold my firm accountable for its role in perpetuating climate change, to push it to discontinue its fossil fuel representation, and to fight for justice through a substantial pro bono practice.
"We, at the undersigned law firm, pledge to not take on work to support the fossil fuel industry, now and into the future.* We further pledge to take on some work or continue to work in at least one of the following areas: to support renewable energy development, to address climate change, and to advance climate justice."
*Effective immediately, all firms signing the pledge will not take on any new work to support the fossil fuel industry. Any firms signing the pledge that currently work to support the fossil fuel industry will phase out this work by 2025, at the latest.
LSCA’s “Green List”
We call on law firm clients who take climate change seriously to hire lawyers with values that match their own. If their existing counsel extensively represents the fossil fuel industry, clients should shift their business elsewhere.
We call on law firm clients or prospective clients of a law firm to review this report and share it with other companies that hire outside law firms for legal representation. Clients should know whether their lawyers lend support to the fossil fuel industry and refuse to hire firms that work for the fossil fuel industry.
Many students are looking for the chance to pursue corporate work, and particularly, work for clean energy clients, at firms that do not serve fossil fuel interests. As a result, we are working to identify law firms that have a clean energy practice, do not take fossil fuels work, and have a commitment not to participate in work that expands and/or solidifies global reliance on fossil fuels. We welcome firms to submit themselves for consideration below.